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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ok. I'm bad at daily blogging...

Yeah. I doubt I'll be daily blogging anymore. LOL. I suck at it. So here's a post of what I've worn lately. :) 

This red mimi is LLR and is cashmere. OMG so soft. 
The leggings are LLR Incredibles. Tieks are RR.
I took a bunch of pictures to show off how you can wear the mimi in lots of different ways. (Including one I didn't take - as a scarf) It's also big enough to be a lap blanket for like, airplanes or movie theaters. 

Then we have Alice in Wonderland...Torrid Alice Top, LLR leggings and Love Potion Tieks. :) 

And then today's:
Torrid top, LLR leggings, Tieks Pop Pink!

PP are soooo pretty. I need to wear them more. 

I got into it with a girl on the tieks group (basically I said not to be a snob if you get a pair that has a minor defect. Especially if the company then fixes it. The OP was basically upset that she didn't get a brand new pair instead of them fixing the pair she had.
Now, I have big feet (size 11) so I know how hard it can be to find a pair of shoes that fits. I've returned Tieks for fit issues, but I've never returned them for "defects". If a stitch comes loose, freaking sew it. Or contact the company and they'll repair it. Which they did.
This lady comes out of nowhere and writes on my comment how I'm essentially wrong. I guess she thinks that she and others like her should be catered to. *whatever*
Then she said I was being a troll. (laughable). I'm over it now, but omg, I had an afternoon of fun there. lol. 

(And I have screenshots of the whole conversation, but I already posted it on my FB, so I won't here.)

But yeah. I'm a troll. *snort* That's just....hilarious. 


Chestnuts were ordered (stupid spider special flower) and they're GORGEOUS. Though I'm debating if I'll be keeping this pair, as the heel on the right shoe is a little low. (It's usually the left one that gives me issues.) However, my mustards were like this too, and I kept them anyway, and they stay on my feet fine, so these probably will too. I'll wear them around the house for a bit and see.

I had chestnuts planned for my next Tieks ordered (then Emeralds for Christmas, if I can convince Nathan to let me), but I honestly got them now because of the spider flower. *sigh* Yes, I bought a pair of expensive shoes, for a likely $.50 - $1.00 flower. lol. Freaking marketing. That's how they get you. Makeup is the same way. "OMG it smells like chocolate?" *needs it in my life*
WHY do I do this?

He has green eyes. ^_^

Seriously though, chestnuts are worth it. I'll post a picture of them once I decide if I'm keeping them or not. :) 

Until I write again, enjoy your day and don't be a snotty bitch who is entitled, ok? O-cake. 

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