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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ok. I'm bad at daily blogging...

Yeah. I doubt I'll be daily blogging anymore. LOL. I suck at it. So here's a post of what I've worn lately. :) 

This red mimi is LLR and is cashmere. OMG so soft. 
The leggings are LLR Incredibles. Tieks are RR.
I took a bunch of pictures to show off how you can wear the mimi in lots of different ways. (Including one I didn't take - as a scarf) It's also big enough to be a lap blanket for like, airplanes or movie theaters. 

Then we have Alice in Wonderland...Torrid Alice Top, LLR leggings and Love Potion Tieks. :) 

And then today's:
Torrid top, LLR leggings, Tieks Pop Pink!

PP are soooo pretty. I need to wear them more. 

I got into it with a girl on the tieks group (basically I said not to be a snob if you get a pair that has a minor defect. Especially if the company then fixes it. The OP was basically upset that she didn't get a brand new pair instead of them fixing the pair she had.
Now, I have big feet (size 11) so I know how hard it can be to find a pair of shoes that fits. I've returned Tieks for fit issues, but I've never returned them for "defects". If a stitch comes loose, freaking sew it. Or contact the company and they'll repair it. Which they did.
This lady comes out of nowhere and writes on my comment how I'm essentially wrong. I guess she thinks that she and others like her should be catered to. *whatever*
Then she said I was being a troll. (laughable). I'm over it now, but omg, I had an afternoon of fun there. lol. 

(And I have screenshots of the whole conversation, but I already posted it on my FB, so I won't here.)

But yeah. I'm a troll. *snort* That's just....hilarious. 


Chestnuts were ordered (stupid spider special flower) and they're GORGEOUS. Though I'm debating if I'll be keeping this pair, as the heel on the right shoe is a little low. (It's usually the left one that gives me issues.) However, my mustards were like this too, and I kept them anyway, and they stay on my feet fine, so these probably will too. I'll wear them around the house for a bit and see.

I had chestnuts planned for my next Tieks ordered (then Emeralds for Christmas, if I can convince Nathan to let me), but I honestly got them now because of the spider flower. *sigh* Yes, I bought a pair of expensive shoes, for a likely $.50 - $1.00 flower. lol. Freaking marketing. That's how they get you. Makeup is the same way. "OMG it smells like chocolate?" *needs it in my life*
WHY do I do this?

He has green eyes. ^_^

Seriously though, chestnuts are worth it. I'll post a picture of them once I decide if I'm keeping them or not. :) 

Until I write again, enjoy your day and don't be a snotty bitch who is entitled, ok? O-cake. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Day 65

Forgive the camera, it's fuzzy because my house was warmer than the outside. lol. Torrid jeans and sweater, Tortoiseshell Tieks. :) 

Out of freaking focus. Ugh.

So shiny!!

Day 64

Old Navy Top, LLR Maxi Skirt, Mustard Tieks. Threw this one together because it was laundry day. Woot. Glad it worked together! haha. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Day 63

Hiya. This was day 63. 
I wore an all LLR outfit. lol. LLR Emily dress, Sarah cardigan and leggings. Ruby Red Tieks. My hair was wet, I did not care. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Day 62

I'm going to pick up with the last day I counted, add ten and say this is day did and say that this is day 62. Sure. We'll go with that. 

It's spooky month, so I have to wear my spooky LLR leggings. :D 


Zombie. Heads. 

I mean, really? Does it get more Halloween than these? I love 'em, and couldn't wait to wear them. The top for these can be pretty much any color in there, but I went with a burnt orange because I can. Tieks Teal to round it off, with a necklace that reminds me of pirate doubloons (For some reason, Zombies makes me think of Pirates and vice-versa - I blame Pirates of the Caribbean for that one.) and ta-da. I'm ready for the day. 


Like seriously, can you get better leggings? I need a top that REALLY goes with these instead of one that just kind of sorta goes with it. 

The top does stick to the leggings though, which makes my fat stand out. I'm kind of on the fence about that, so we'll see if it lasts the whole day. 

Oh and a quick update on the LLR jeans...
Overall, I like them. The slide down a bit more than I'd like, and they stick to my calf area, but I ended up using that to my advantage because if I pulled them up ever so slightly around my calves, they don't slide down as much. Odd, but true. So, we'll see how they handle a few washes and go from there. So far the verdict is they were comfortable enough all day and I'll wear them again. Magic jeans? No. Comfy enough to wear the entire day? Yes. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Day um. I don't know.

It's Wednesday! 🐪🐫🐪🐫

How are you doing? I'm good. Today I'm a kitty again. ^_^

I'm wearing LLR Iris top (SO COMFY, so much comfier than the Liv's!) and LLR jeans. I'm on the fence about these jeans. I have a big butt (and I cannot lie....) but these jeans don't want to stay up over it. I've NEVER had that problem before. My mom is always complaining about jeans doing that and my butt has always held them up so it's never occured to me that it'd happen to me. But it does, they slide down back there. So I'm going to have to wear a belt and I HATE belts.

They're also weird in the waist. I prefer my jeans to have a higher cut waist and these are a little lower than I'd like. That being said, they are long enough, which I give them huge props for (Sorry short girls) but do you know how rare it is for me to have jeans go past my ankles? AMAZING.
We'll see how they wear throughout the day and if I feel like their worth their $80.00 price tag, but so far, I'm on the fence. Now the Iris top? Totally worth it! 

Skeleton kitties! I might have to get x-rays at the dentist, so why not x-ray kitties??

They're so cute!!

And uh...duh. Of course I'm wearing the ears. lol.

Unmelllow Yellow for the win. :D

They're so pretty. :) 

Oh and a recent pic of Mr. Soba Noodle and Miss Chloe under the cut. I'll get him out soon and get some good pictures of him. ^_^ 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Just ripped this off my FB share in the tieks group, because it's basically how I feel today and I have to go curl Chloe's hair right freaking now, or she might DIE. lol.

Hope you are all well! (And yes, the drop me a note still applies here too!)
And it's Tuesday. Yesterday I got a bunch of new LLR. I splurged. I felt like shopping, and I was like, new tieks or new clothes....ehhh, I need clothes more. (Sorry to disappoint, but there were some wardrobe gaps that needed filling and while it seems like I have endless clothing, I really don't. A lot of things I wear are mix and match and I wear out pants ridiculously fast.) Also, I needed Halloween clothing because in a bought of INSANITY last year I Marie Kondo'd all my Halloween clothes. Like, HELLO Beka, they ALL brought you joy, what were you DOING? Oh, being rational, (<insert my mother's voice here> You only wear them once a year Beka!) that's right. Eff that. Being rational has lead to some of the worst decisions I've ever made. Seriously. Go with your heart, not your head.
So anyway, today's OOTD is all new! I got this gorgeous mustard/wheat colored Emily (with snack holes!). I wasn't sure how the Emily would fit and I'm really glad I took a chance on it! I was waiting for one to call my name loudly and this one did, so I bought it. I paired it with these adorable halloween vintage print leggings and Mustard Tieks. And yes, cat ears. Because they came with the Emily cuz my girl that hooked me up and I got to talking about kitties, and she's bomb and gave me the ears. It's like she knew I'd wear them or something?!?! (I got them and was like, "These. On my head. RIGHT MEOW." hahaha.
Anyway, I will say, I would wear this dress without leggings for sure, but it's kinda chilly today (yes!) so I did leggings. And as I can never pull off the knotted up on the side look without it looking really dumb, it is what it is. This would also look really cute with little shoe booties, and if my daughter and I were the same size shoes, I'd steal hers. haha. /insert sarcasm here: Oh well...Gee darn, gotta wear my tieks. Oh no, whatever shall I do? /end sarcasm
How are you doing today? I want to know! Drop me a note and tell me how you are. I hope you're doing good, but if you aren't, here's some ****hugs****. 


I forgot I had a blog.

(No, I'm not kidding. I forgot.) 


Here are some outfits I wore over the last few months. I took a break for health reasons and then totally forgot about the blog when I came back to doing OOTD. So, yeah. Sorry bout that to anyone who follows me here. haha

Here's what you missed of my life in the last few months. 


More summer. Me feeling crappy.

KITTEN!!! (My mom's new kitten. We rescued him from death. Literally)

Feeling a bit better!

Feeling lots better!

OMG she's old enough for HOMECOMING????
Freshman year HOCO 2019. *sniffle*

Summer holding out on us, not ever leaving even though it's FALL.

Hi cuteness!!! You're so stinking adorable and I love you!

I don't feel like death today!

Still feeling good.

Top is a little long, but I like this outfit.

Love this outfit. Panda Pants!!!

Wore this to Girl Scout Camporee. :) Wheee

Just a casual day and your'e all caught up. :)