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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Being Sick Sucks.

Ok, so not only am I sick, but I'm having the period from hell. 

UGH. (Seriously. I'm on day 14, and now it's so heavy I'm changing the cup every 1/2 hour to an hour for the last two days. My OBGYN has been notified, but hasn't gotten back to me yet.)

No fashion. Ever again. Because I'll just bleed onto it. I swear, I have run out of underwear. There is no help for me. #SendAbsorbantCouchCushionsTheresThatMuchBloodImDYING #NeverLeavingTheToiletForFearMyUterusMightFallOut

Seriously though, I feel like I might bleed to death. I'm so tired. I hate when my period gets all out of hand and my entire uterus decides to aim for disembarking. I'll probably need blood after all of this. Whole blood, not just iron. Ugh. 

THIS IS WHY I WANT A HYSTERECTOMY. But will they give me one? Noooooo. "You're only in your 30's." I'm told. *glares* 

I might kill the next person who denies me my god given right of removing my lady parts. Honestly, I might. 

On top of bleeding, I'm still sick. I'm getting better slowly, but I'm exhausted all the damn time. 

I'm on bed/couch rest but I refuse to die. I'm too damn stubborn to die. 


Minky Blanket and Unmellow Yellow Tieks. 

Live Long and Don't Die From Blood Loss

Monday, August 19, 2019

My baby boy, my firstborn child, my sweet chubby toddler is turning 16 today. 

I can't believe I'm at this point. I remember holding him in my arms in the hospital, a day after giving birth to him and doing all the math about how old his older sister and I would be on his "milestone" birthdays. 16 being one of them. It felt like so far away at the time, and *snap* here it is. 

I miss my boy. He lives in Seattle with his dad. I saw him this past November, but I rarely get the opportunity to fly out there to see him (airfare is expensive, and so is car rentals/hotel/meals/etc.) We're hoping to send Chloe out to see him this Christmas, so at least they can spend it together. We would fly him here, but he has A LOT of health conditions. He's Autistic, a Type-1 Diabetic and those two alone prevent him from flying alone. He has a bunch of other things as well, so him flying solo is out of the question. And if we go there, we have to pay for all the travel stuff as his father and I are not on the greatest terms. (Let's just say, it's a really good thing we're 2500 miles apart.)

But yeah. I miss my kiddo today. I had plans to wear a bright outfit today to make me happy, but I'm still sitting here with a cold, being all sick. #Ugh

So I'll just leave it at this:

Happy Birthday Toby! I love you and miss you fiercely! You've become an amazing young man, and I could not be more proud of you. You are compassionate and kind, smart and funny, and have the brightest soul out of anyone I know. You are my handsome man, and will always be my baby boy. I love you with all my heart.

Pictures of the man-child Toby, newest pictures first, to his first newborn picture, under the cut.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Days 49, 50 and possibly 51

Hey guys. I have the gunk. The ick. The sickness. 

Sorry, couldn't help it. 

But yeah, I'm ill. I've been laying on my couch playing sims 4 and napping for the last 48 hours. (And it will probably be another 24 hours or so until I feel like wearing clothing that isn't just a t-shirt and underwear. And y'all don't need to be seeing that. There's no fashion there. It's just death warmed over. 

My husband gave me his cold. But he's also feeling better enough to take care of me now, so that's good. He just made me eggs and toast and cream of wheat, so I'm gonna go eat and give him a kiss. 

Love y'all. I'll be back when I'm feeling better. 



Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day 48

My pictures this morning aren't great because my silly husband was making faces and kisses at me, telling me I was pretty and going "woo woo". LOL. Anyway, today's OOTD:

Lularoe Irma and TC2 leggings. Bright and cheery! Hair up because it's wet (I am freshly showered) and teal and sapphire necklace from Amrita Singh to pull the color up top. I'd like something with more dark blue in it, but I don't have anything. Oh well. Sapphire Blue Tieks to adorn my toes today. 

Husband is still sick, so I'll probably just be inside today. Woke up late (was up until 3am with him coughing and stuff), so OOTD is posted late. Sorry!

Mr. Soba Noodle has some new cage stuff arriving today, so I'll probably have him out for a bit while I remodel his cage. He did just eat, so he might be in a tub if he's not feeling being held. Sometimes he's ok with it and sometimes he's not. Depends on his mood and how his meal is sitting, but his cage needs cleaned and with him being shed-eat-growth spurting on me, I haven't been able to get to him recently. At any rate, if I get him out and he's cooperative, I'll take some pictures of him and possibly his new cage set up. If not today, it'll be sometimes in the coming weekend/week.

Going to go make Nathan some tea now. Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon. He just sounds miserable.

Love y'all!!


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Day 47

Day 47 OOTD is a casual one. My husband came home from Defcon with a cold, but he brought be back this cool t-shirt! I'm pretty sure the bright yellow parts glow in the dark. Of course, I don't have lilacs (sigh) because I didn't think I had enough purple to warrant getting them. Well, that's changing. lol. So I paired these with my comfy leggings and unmellow yellows. :D 

Today is going to be a chill day. Chloe is with my sister for the next week-ish (she likes to hang out there for long periods of time) and with my honey sick, I assume I'll be helping him out with everything today. lol. (He gets man-cold sick. It's hilarious.) 

So yeah. Not much happening here today. Shirt from Defcon, leggings from Torrid, Unmellow Yellow Tieks from Tieks! 

Close up

Close up of my gorgeous UY's. :D They're probably my favorite pair honestly. (Though I'm sure I say that about a lot of my tieks. haha)

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Day 46

 Hey guys. Real quick, today's OOTD: Outlander stag shirt and jeggings (both from Torrid) and my Diamond White Croc's from Tieks. :) Earrings from amazon. (Fringe circle hoops)

I didn't get a close up of the shoes today, but I'll try to later. Out and about doing a bunch of errands today and forgot to even upload this until just now (doing it on my phone, so hopefully it turns out right. 

Love y'all!



Monday, August 12, 2019

Day 45

I almost forgot to do OOTD today. I got distracted this morning by class reunion stuff, burning my mouth on my breakfast (prove that I should stick to protein shakes in the AM) and was making my grocery list. Just kind of a crazy morning! 

Today's outfit is a dress from Amazon (Sold Out, sorry), and Poppy Tieks. No jewelry today, giving myself a jewelry break today. Just didn't feel like it. 

I love how long this dress is. I actually have to pull it up to climb steps. Do you know how RARE that is for me??? lol. #TallGirlProblems

Poppy's are perfection. So pretty! 

Blooper/reject pictures

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Day 44

Happy Sunday! Or as I'm calling it today, Sunday Funday! 

I woke up feeling funky, so I thought I'd let my outfit be loud, proud and bright to get me out of the funk. It worked!!!

Shirt and leggings are from Lularoe (Shirt is an Irma, leggings are TC2). Necklace from Amrita Singh, and the piece de resistance: Razzleberry Tieks!

How can you not have fun in this outfit??

See? Fun!!

Close up of my necklace

Close up of the tieks!!

They're gorgeous, right? If you don't own razzleberry, you should.

In other news: I need to clean. Ugh.

Why is there always cleaning to do?

I still have to wrap and pack up Toby's presents (I'm slacking, but I have to mail them tomorrow or they won't get there in time). Why do I slack you ask? Because I can't seem to find scotch tape anywhere. I'm going to have to use packing tape I think. Which is ridiculous, but there it is.

I should get that done this late morning, and then get it mailed out tomorrow though with no problems. I DO need to get the house in a bit more order than it's currently in. Nathan comes home tomorrow and it's a wreck and I'd like him to come home to it being a *bit* cleaner than it is now. There's just so much STUFF everywhere. We're really good at collecting stuff, but not so good at getting it picked up and boxed in boxes to go to the storage unit so we can not have it until we move. lol. Also, I need more boxes. *bleh*

At any rate, I'm going to have to wake up Chloe soon and have her do stuff while I do stuff. It's just a day of doing STUFF. Boring stuff too. Maybe we'll blast Hamilton while we do it.

I hope you all are having a great weekend!!


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Day 43

I hear the cicadas outside and it reminds me of summers as a kiddo and being all hot and sticky all the time. I feel bad that I can't give that to my teenagers, but at the same time, they had it when they were really little. It's weird how sounds and scents can bring back memories, both good and bad ones. 

I don't think Chloe and I are doing anything this weekend. I have to order Mr. Snoot some more reptile supplies for his bigger cage, as he really needs a bigger water dish and a bigger hide. I'm going to order through because I have heard they are the bomb. So we'll see. 

I honestly just threw on some clothes today. I didn't even think about this outfit other than, "Am I presentable?" I say yes. I'm a little matchy-matchy, but that's ok. Yellow Luluroe Nikki dress, multi-color earrings from Amrita Singh and mustard Tieks. Oh and the hair tie came in a multi-color pack from Amazon. 

Lularoe Nikki's are generally shorter than skirts I usually wear, and are about the shortest I'll go on a skirt for a couple of reasons. 1) I'm not the most lady like, and have a tendency to bend over in dresses as though I were wearing pants. 2) You can see the scars on my knees. Not much in these pictures, but you can close up. In these, you can only see the 1 scar that you can generally see in all my dress pictures as it's pretty big. (The one halfway below my knee/up my calf if you don't know what I'm talking about.) When I take pictures of my shoes, you can see the ones on my ankles and the one on my shin as well. (Those have healed enough, they kind of look like bruises unless you are looking really close up.) We're not perfect and our scars and imperfections are what makes us unique and tell our story. We have to learn to love who we are and not try to be perfect. That being said, I am comfortable with ALL of them now, so I am ok to show off a little more leg. Woo-Woo. lol. 

One thing I would correct if I could? My allergies. They are on overdrive. I can't stop sneezing so my nose and cheeks are super red and my eyes are all watery. lol. From now until November is the WORST time of year for me and I feel like I'm going to die about every year. I really have to schedule that allergist appointment. 

POCKETS! Yus.....pockets are precious!

Pineapple earrings! I love these. :D

I never thought I'd like Mustards as much as I do. Nor did I think I had a ton to go with them. (I'm laughing because I bought a TON of yellow to go with them and I am SO GLAD I did because I am in love with yellow on me. :D <3

And Oh!! 

Look who was on my screen door when I went to go back inside! A real ladybug! A red one! I haven't seen a real red one in such a long time. Usually we get the orange ones, or the orangey-red ones that have mated with the real lady bugs and have the crossbreeding thing going on, but this one was red red. I was so happy. :D

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Bonus/Pics I didn't use on TA:

Friday, August 9, 2019


Day 42 and it's a Friday? This calls for some Pop Pink! 

I honestly have the hardest time pairing these. I know people say they go with everything, but my brain does not want to go there. I automatically wants to pair blues and greens with yellows and not pinks. I don't have a lot of purple (which I'd pair with pink) or even pink based clothing. What I do have is more blush and more suited for softer tones. Pop Pink has been a challenge for me. 

Today I decided to suck it up and wear it anyway. I like the splash of color they provide with this dress and I think it goes well. :) 

I am feeling SO much better today. I almost feel normal again. Yay! I feel the need to get out of the house, so I'll probably drag Chloe out and we'll go Pokemon Go or something. Nathan's still in Vegas doing DefCon for work, so we're just going to do our thing. It's amazing how long things last when there's one less person in the house (food, toilet paper, my patience...). Haha. Actually, the last one he tends to help me out with by making me calmer, but we've no need to go to the store or run errands. I DO have to wrap my son's birthday presents today and get those packed up and mailed out in the next few days. I cannot believe my son is turning 16. Just.....*mind blown*

Anywho. OOTD.

Earrings and necklace from Amazon, Dress from Torrid (sold out, so the link is just to the store, sorry guys) and Pop Pink Tieks by Tieks. 

I REALLY need to sweep the porch, and porch steps. I keep forgetting to. If only my teenager would stop hiding my broom. :/ 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Day 41

So I still feel cruddy, but I took a shower and said "Eh, I'll get dressed if just for a picture". So here y'all go. 

I'm really still sickly, but I'm put together (real bra, jewelry and a dress and shoes, so that's as put together as I'm getting) but I make "I'm gonna throw a look together in three minutes" look good. lol. 

Honestly, I'll probably change back into PJ's and hang this back up in case I need to go anywhere, but likely I'll be lounging in pajamas all day, because I don't think I'm going ANYWHERE today. 

I keep telling myself this:

Pretty sure I still have a fever, (Check it you say? Use a thermometer? Psh...) because going outside felt good and the breeze felt cool and it's already like, 80 outside and my AC house should feel better, but it just feels too cold. I dunno. I still have the ick, but I PUT ON CLOTHES DAMMIT.

Doesn't being sick mean I should get popsicles? But alas, the husband is in Vegas for work this week and I am popsicle-less. *pouts* 

So on to the OOTD. I'm still smiling, as always, even when I feel crappy. 
Dress from Torrid, earrings from Amazon and Tieks from Tieks (all items link below).

This is yet another Torrid dress. It's from the Lion King collection over there. It's got pockets!!

Look at how cute it is close up though! 

Rawr, it's Scar! 

It's got Pumba, (I think Nala) and Mufasa on here too, I just didn't get close ups. It's very subtle unless you're really looking though, and you can't at all tell from a distance. 

I really liked this movie when I was little, and it's totally in my top ten favorite Disney movies of all time, based on the music alone. 

The dress is shorter than I usually go, but it's still an acceptable length for me. Dresses are one of my go-to's when I'm feeling gross and swollen and sick, because they give you more freedom to be comfortable vs jeans/pants/leggings.

(If I didn't know I was still sick, I'd know because my brain is telling me so. It's so stinking hard to type this and I've made so many spelling errors that I've had to go back and correct...geesh.) (Also, I'm pale. No super red cheeks and my face doesn't match my neck, it more matches my legs. LOL.

The back is really cute with this criss cross pattern, but I couldn't quite get it without looking back at the camera to make sure it was getting it, but I tried. lol. 

Necklace and earring set from Amazon for 6 bucks. They have them in various colors, I might get more, we'll see. They're cheap like the other earrings I have (same style) but they have different colors than the ones I have, and come with the necklace, so ehhh, maybe worth the money? Debatable. Maybe I can find a better deal, maybe not. 

California Navy Tieks today. My legs and feet are more swollen than usual today (being sick does that to me) but you can see they still fit comfortably. :) Reason #43 why I love my Tieks! 

Anywho, I'm still feeling icky so I'm gonna go take all this off and get back into my comfy jam-jams and sit in my chair with my minky blanket and watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer from the beginning and probably fall asleep again. 

Love y'all
